In a nutshell
Swaddling reminds your baby of those months spent in mommy’s tummy by mimicking the pleasant feeling of warmth, security and comfort. Moreover, it keeps your baby from making uncontrolled movements that can disturb its sleep. Your child is comfortable and warm and sleeps through longer.
Key products
The Puckababy Piep is a swaddle sleeping bag for babies from 0-3 months. The Mini is the follow-up bag, from 3-6 months.
In more detail
The world is a hectic place and every day baby has to deal with a host of stimuli. Restlessness in babies is often the result of the many impressions they must process during sleep. When baby has trouble dealing with these impressions this results in an uncontrolled startle reflex also known as the Moro reflex.
It can be a real nuisance when your baby’s flailing arms keep it awake. Your child wakes much too early and is not well rested, making new stimuli even tougher to digest. Before long this creates a vicious circle of much crying and little sleep in which sleep and hunger signals become increasingly difficult to identify.
Swaddling helps you break this vicious circle. Recognising that feeling of security from the womb is very reassuring for your baby.
Why swaddle with Puckababy?
The Puckababy swaddle sleeping bags are the light version of tight swaddling. The swaddle sleeping bag fits snugly around your baby like a cocoon. Its arms are wrapped loosely so your baby can no longer startle itself awake. It’s neither too tight nor too hot and your child has sufficient room to move so as not to impede its physical development. Moreover, weaning your child off the swaddle sleeping bag is easy.
What if my GP advises against swaddling?
Doctors that advise against tight swaddling often do recommend Puckababy’s swaddle sleeping bag. Examples include potential hip problems following breech birth or babies suffering from eczema. Like so many other babies these children can also be restless and restricting their movement helps them sleep through. Puckababy is often recommended in such cases because the cloth is not too tight, it doesn’t impede growth and ensures excellent air and temperature regulation.
Contrary to tight swaddling, parents are not afraid to try Puckababy. It’s really not that big a step. It looks lovely and nice, your baby has enough room to move and the transition to regular sleeping is easier.
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